Fitsian Food Life

Korean Oxtail Soup

Korean oxtail soup is a very healthy dish given that it has a high amount of collagen and nutrients from the bone, has protein from the oxtail.

Calories and Nutrition Info

510 Calories 55 g Protein 25 g Fat 15g Carbs

Prep Time: 1 hour

Cook Time: 1 hour


– 6 oz Oxtail – 1 Daikon – 2 cloves Garlic – Salt and Pepper (Season to taste) – Scallions

Soak the oxtails in water to remove impurities

Step 1

Add daikon and garlic cloves and bring to a simmer for about 3-4 hours.

Step 2

Serve with scallions, sea salt, and pepper and season to taste.

Step 3

Parboil the oxtail to ensure all the impurities are removed. This will result in a clear-tasting delicious broth.

Fitsian Food Life

Tip #1

Fitsian Food Life

Serve the broth with sea salt, pepper, scallions, and kimchi (optional) so that the eater can season to taste, as it is traditionally done.

Fitsian Food Life

Tip #2

Fitsian Food Life

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